Infectious Enthusiasm And Clear Vision Define Focal Speakers

Infectious Enthusiasm And Clear Vision Define Focal Speakers

Focal is a French brand of speakers that is resolute about maintaining  the "Made In France" theme on everything including their entry-level Chorus range of speakers.It is refreshing in a world where increasing numbers of companies have outsourced their manufacturing base to China and the Far East.The CEO,Gerard Chretien,talks passionately about not only of his love of music and all things audio,but also his belief that audio products should also deliver not only sound quality but strong aesthetic values.He says:"It's a holistic philosophy! Things need to stimulate all the senses.Design is important."He enthuses.This design philosophy is clearly evident in the flagship Utopia model.There is also attention to detail throughout the range.

.Focal JM Labs started back in 1979,but jumped into a higher gear in 1990 with the arrival of Gerard.The company's clear intention with the "Made in France" model is to control the manufacturing process from initial design and conception right through to final production.

In 2011,Focal JM Labs merged with the well-loved UK hifi brand Naim Audio to create a new holding company Focal and Naim.The two companies remain independent and as individual brands.One of the most interesting parts of the Focal story is their use of the inverted dome tweeter.This was originally designed to allow mass and high efficiency with flat frequency response.The latest tweeter used on high end Focal speakers is made of Berylium which is very light,very rigid and also very expensive (50 times the price of gold).Focal make speakers up to an atmospheric $285,000 AU.....but even their entry level Chorus range are made in France and will you know why!

21st Aug 2016

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